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Building a High-Value Marketplace: How Harness Wealth Helps Clients Find Advisory Services

A few years ago, in the ideation phase of Harness Wealth, we knew we wanted to create a next generation financial platform for the next generation of builders: founders, early employees, business owners, and investors. I was able to transfer some learnings from the early and late stage developments at Compass to this new context. 

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Harness Wealth Firm Consultations: What to Expect and Prepare

This guide was created to help Harness Wealth clients understand the consultation process with their recommended firms. As part of your evaluation process, and you should plan ahead for the number of meetings and documents you'll need to prepare for each type of firm consultation, and the factors you'll want to consider in deciding which firm(s) you'd like to move forward with.

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The 2019 Gen X Survey

We conducted a survey to learn more about how Gen-Xers thought about financial planning and what they needed. We found that of 1,000 Gen-Xers aged 35 to 60 showed most believe they lack the knowledge necessary to manage their finances, despite spending a substantial amount of time on money management.

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Iterating and Growing the Architecture of Harness Wealth

The underlying system behind Harness Wealth is a critical component of our business. Here our Engineering team outlines the initial system they build and the rationale behind it.

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The Genesis of Harness Wealth

Our Founder and CEO, David Snider, discusses where the idea for Harness Wealth came from and why he ultimately decided to build this business. 

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